Seeing as the company is reasonably large and the campus contains people of all sorts of scientific disciplines, there appears to be significant opportunity to move between facilities and then move up the ladder within those if desired. there is also lots of support for higher education which will be essential for career progression.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Apr 2021
I am really enjoying my current role. it is giving me a wide variety of skills which will allow me to take many different career paths.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Feb 2019
The possibilities for promotion are quite good. each financial year you complete a performance review and if this review is good then you obtain a small promotion with the main difference being a slight pay increase.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jan 2019
The outlook for scientific and technical staff isn't great, with 1 - 2 year contracts and few ongoing positions.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Jan 2019
Good experience, motivated and confident
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Dec 2015
There are no guarantees, but graduates are recruited to areas where there is a business need identified for the future. a number of previous and current graduates have been successful in obtaining jobs
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Dec 2015
At this point in time moving up the ranks seems quite fluid. however, i've come into the company at a time of change management, so there is a large amount of movement occurring. i've already received a promotion into the position that i was meant to go into once i completed the graduate program. that was meant to occur in another year. other opportunities come up quite often and any employee can apply if they have the requirements, and sometimes even if the criteria isn't met exactly. to move up the ranks, you need to fulfill your targets that formally set with your supervisor, as well as what is contained in the job description.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Dec 2015
The industry containes many people advanced in their career who are ready to move on. also inspired and energetic youngsters stand out
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Dec 2015
4 out of 14 grads have been promoted already within the year
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Nov 2015
Wait for someone to retire, or hope to move to a different division to move up. we are told there is a "talent pipeline" and "succession planning" but no specifics are discussed. graduates were hired off season, so don't qualify for a pay step until after 18 months of service, but we also don't have a unique position description for our first two years, so it's hard to show if you are effective or not. also we are "free" labour to our host teams (funded from a specific program), and thus responsibilities lie in conflicting places.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Nov 2015
At this stage i am unsure of how it would be possible for me to move up the ranks, as a restructure is currently in place.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Nov 2015
Through performance monitoring there is an opportunity to move up a pay grade after 18 months. there is also opportunity to apply for positions while you are still on the graduate program (once you have a position you move out of the program).
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Nov 2015
Varies from department to department, but there is a lot of potential for rising through the ranks - especially for young hungry people. this will continue, as the majority of senior management are approaching retirement
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Nov 2015
Lots of projects picking up pace around site, and people close to retirement age means there will be lots of job opportunities opening up
Entry level, Sydney - 30 Nov 2015