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Working Hours at Cardno

7.8 rating for Working Hours, based on 23 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Company is quite flexible
Graduate, brisbane - 17 Sep 2020
The company is pretty flexible when it comes to working hours, as long as you are doing the 8 hours a day and you are getting the job done it doesn't matter where you are working from and what time you start and finish working.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Sep 2020
Sometimes overtime is needed for fieldwork and large projects however, this is often paid overtime. I find that Cardno are mostly flexible when it comes to what hours are worked.
Graduate, Perth - 17 Sep 2020
The company has a very generous and flexible arrangement with hours worked
Graduate, Brisbane - 17 Sep 2020
Reasonably flexible, expected hours will depend on workload and deadlines.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Sep 2020
I have not been told off in any way when I come +-10-20 or so minutes into the office in the morning. In my books that a great plus as long as the hours are worked at the later time.
Graduate, Brisbane - 17 Sep 2020
I would like to spend less time in the office, I am in the process of altering my hours and pursuing more field work. so far the company has been flexible and supportive
Graduate, Newcastle - 17 Sep 2020
You have to work the hours that is needed to meet deadlines
Graduate, Perth - 17 Sep 2020
Flexible WFH or office nowadays. As long as tasks are performed, the allocated hours are all I have to do.
Graduate, Brisbane - 17 Sep 2020
Working from 6am to Midnight is not acceptable.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 17 Sep 2020
No other better employers.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Aug 2020
Work/life balance is appreciated and integrated into the company
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Aug 2020
I work a normal 40 hour week, I start at 8 and finish at 5 with an hour in the day for lunch. The company is very flexible with work arrangements so if you need to work from home at some points to pick up kids or for other reasons they are very accommodating.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2020
I must work 40 hours a week however the working hours are flexible mainly for seniors. As a junior you cant have a lot of flexibility.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2020
Pre-covid I would be in the office from roughly 8:45am to 5:15pm - which usually included anywhere between a 30-60 minute lunch break. Cardno are definitely more focused on output than the specificity of how many hours you work. Compared to other companies, Cardno are really progressive with work flexibility. It is company policy to allocate 40 hours of the working week to billable project/admin codes, however this can be made flexible.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2020
Our team is able to work from home whenever, the flexibility is great. If you have specific training requirements or appointments you're able to make up the hours when it suits you.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2020
With COVID things have changed a lot for the better. Prior to COVID not the most flexible in my opinion.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2020
I currently work from home due to Covid, if you prove to be trustworthy I've found my employer to be very flexible and accommodating
Midlevel, Wollongong - 05 Aug 2020
My hours consist of usually between 40-50 hours per week. Occasionally, this number is 50+ hours. The company is incredibly flexible which is a great factor for this company
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2020
Pretty flexible, they're happy as long as you do the work.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Aug 2020