Updating Results

Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)

  • 100 - 500 employees

Sustainability at Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)

6.6 rating for Sustainability, based on 70 reviews
Please comment on your company's efforts in this area.
We have strict recycling and a worm farm!
Midlevel, Canberra - 30 Nov 2022
Our investments team don't just divest they take action to fix the wider issue. Our actual office is eco-friendly with a modern building. Plus we have our own bees on the roof.
Graduate, Canberra - 18 Nov 2022
Again, not the best not the worst.
Graduate, Canberra - 17 Nov 2022
I don't have great experience in this area, but there is a strong push to reduce the amount of printing that we do.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Reduce excess printing.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
CSC is currently working towards a goal that they had set in 2012 to reduce their carbon footprint. All of the measures they have taken thus far have resulted in a better than expected result.
Intern, Melbourne - 17 Dec 2015
CSC has a big emphasis on reducing its carbon footprint. There are basic initiatives such as recycling bins and plastic waste. It also strives to help clients themselves reduce their carbon foot print through next generation technologies.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Dec 2015
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Dec 2015
CSC has set emission reduction targets for 2018, which it is on track to achieve.
Intern, Melbourne - 09 Dec 2015
We have a recycling system in place in each location and focus on effective use of electricity, water and non-renewable resources. We launched the GreenWay program in 2007. This program encompasses all of our environmental sustainability efforts in Australia - our Vision is to reduce our net carbon dioxide emissions by 25%
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Dec 2015
CSC has a strong commitment to CSR and it has created programs to encourage employees measure carbon footprint reductions and savings.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Dec 2015
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Dec 2015
Tries to find a balance between costs and environment
Entry level, Canberra - 13 Jul 2015
Experienced, Canberra - 13 Jul 2015
The Department has recycling bins and promotes limited printing, however there is sometimes considerable non-recyclable mixed in with recycling. It is not clear that recyclable items are suitable separated and recycled.
Midlevel, Canberra - 13 Jul 2015
Graduate, Canberra - 13 Jul 2015
I am aware of some efforts to reduce printing etc.
Midlevel, Canberra - 13 Jul 2015
The Department doesn't have a specific carbon footprint reduction approach, but there are smaller initiatives to be more environmentally friendly.
Graduate, Canberra - 13 Jul 2015
Graduate, Canberra - 13 Jul 2015
Any high profile initiatives on carbon reduction is undertaken by staff or the Social Club - larger initiatives would require approval by the Government of the day.
Experienced, Canberra - 13 Jul 2015