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Fulton Hogan

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Career Prospects at Fulton Hogan

7.1 rating for Career Prospects, based on 50 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
Fulton Hogan has lots of internal opportunities for promotion and career growth. There are many different business units, departments and regions you can explore opportunities with and move between. The Career development framework also provides you a clear framework of competencies you are required to have before you can move into your next role and shows the clear hierarchy of positions you can move through overtime.
Graduate, Sydney - 27 Aug 2024
Next promotion would be to Site Engineer, I understand that this involves taking on more responsibility of tasks however I currently do not have a site engineer to base my progression on (only project engineers). I imagine completing the CDF with ample competencies would be the basis for a promotion to site engineer. Progression from graduate, to site, to project engineer seems okay, however I would rather not get tunnelled into the project manager role as most senior PEs do.
Graduate, Adelaide - 23 Aug 2024
Still early in the pipeline, so the full extent of internal career progression aren't immediately clear. However, there is a direct pathway that has been provided and the opportunity is at least open.
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Aug 2024
This is conflicted as it depends on your manager. My previous manager was refusing to promote an employee with 3 years in their current role and a higher knowledge of asset engineering then the manager themselves. My current manager is open to giving me the opportunity to explore the other areas i need to build on which would effectively allow me to progress quicker in my role.
Graduate, Sydney - 21 Aug 2024
Seems like good opportunity to get promoted to a site engineer, above that I am unsure.
Graduate, Brisbane - 20 Aug 2024
i think Fulton Hogan has a solid foundation and a direct pathway that works well, however i think FH needs to focus more on ability rather than time
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Aug 2024
Promotion is almost never talked about, have no idea how to get promoted as in what I need to know or how I can get to the next level, it seems like a time-based process but I still wouldnt know as its not discussed.
Graduate, Adelaide - 20 Aug 2024
They do have monthly meeting where everyone talks about their projects update and appreciate their colleagues on their work progress. You will get your promotions and increments based on your performance in the company and will get more opportunities to explore more on your role.
Graduate, Brisbane - 20 Aug 2024
There is a major disconnect between senior project managers and HR, any hard work and effort does not translate to career progression opportunities at all. You just have to fill out a lengthy spreadsheet to be considered for a promotion which doesnt feel right.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Aug 2024
I'd have to be willing to move around from project to project, either moving house or working away from home, which is a big thing either way
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Aug 2024
There is a clear way to go up, as long as there are works in the pipeline. To go up you need to pick up more responsibility and show that you can complete tasks on your own and to a high standard! That is an important point.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Aug 2023
We submit a career development framework to provide evidence that we are competent enough for a promotion a lot of work.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Aug 2023
Career progression is easy to see but not to get.
Graduate, Nowra - 22 Aug 2023
I am on track to getting a promotion from my current position which I an very happy about but I would like to see how my career develops in the following years. Based on the people I work with and their career development, I am hopeful that I can follow on the same path as them. I have found that being a hard worker, being innovative and having a good attitude are great traits for being looked at for promotion possibilities.
Graduate, Geelong - 11 Aug 2023
I have the opportunity be promoted as environmental coordinator.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Aug 2023
For enviro: Undergrad, Grad, Coordinator, Advisor, Senior Advisor, Manager. You should work towards completing your career development framework (CDF) if you are wanting a promotion.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2023
In my position, promotion is possible when I complete the graduate program. My position can become an Environmental Coordinator, then it is an advisor, before becoming a manager. What it takes to be promoted is showing that you have competency in KPI's and other areas and are important for the upcoming role.
Graduate, Melbourne - 07 Aug 2023
I believe the finance graduate program is setting me up to try and learn what I like doing within the company, and to then (hopefully) offer me a job in that area if possible. To do this, I would need to finish my career development framework and become quite confident in my role. To move even further up then say an accountant, I would need to complete my CPA and demonstrate qualities of leadership and confidence.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2023
Believe there is space for progression
Graduate, Melbourne - 07 Aug 2023
Lots of room for promotion, but it gets to a point where you can't really move further as there aren't any positions available
Graduate, Perth - 07 Aug 2023