Updating Results

Hood Sweeney

  • 100 - 500 employees

Career Prospects at Hood Sweeney

8.5 rating for Career Prospects, based on 15 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
If you are meeting the expectations of your role and putting in the hard work, you will definitely be progressed to a higher level in the business.
Graduate, Adelaide - 16 Feb 2020
Ability to move across teams depending on my interests.
Intern, Adelaide - 13 Feb 2020
There are plenty of promotion possibilities and opportunities, they just take time.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 06 Dec 2016
It takes dedication and hard work to move up the ranks, you have to earn it but Hood Sweeney will always reward those who work hard.
Graduate, Adelaide - 28 Nov 2016
CA required and client networking required to move up ranks.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 25 Nov 2016
Depends on the person, the skills, the available opportunities.
Graduate, adelaide - 24 Nov 2016