Hood Sweeney have a strong commitment to the charities they support. Their initiatives for these charities are great, including sending staff to schools for their breakfast programs, and in-house fundraising. They also assist with any local or interstate causes such as the SA bushfires.
Graduate, Adelaide - 16 Feb 2020
Offer free processing of financial statements for charities & directors must complete charity work.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 08 Dec 2016
Recent 30 June show was team building bicycles for underprivileged children, this was great fun and also helped the community. Directors need to complete a certain amount of pro-bono work hours each year.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 06 Dec 2016
Pro bono work, tax for not for profits, Directors required to do 60 hours of pro bono work for charity each year.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 25 Nov 2016
Regular pro bono work and cash donations to charity.
Graduate, adelaide - 24 Nov 2016