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Hood Sweeney

  • 100 - 500 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Hood Sweeney

8.7 rating for Recruitment, based on 6 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The interviews were both very good, I was asked good questions and was challenged to think outside of the square, all while feeling comfortable within the presence of my interviewers.
Graduate, Adelaide - 18 Feb 2020
There is an initial interview, and then progress to the standardised testing which includes a personality and aptitude test. From there, a 2nd interview is conducted and then the position will generally be filled within a week or two. The interview process was a positive experience.
Graduate, Adelaide - 16 Feb 2020
The interview process included two interviews, and psychometric testing.
Adelaide - 15 Feb 2020
I submitted my resume and from there I received a phone call to come in for an interview. Following the initial interview I completed an aptitude test of basic maths and comprehension. Once that was complete I had another interview and on that day I was confirmed as the successful applicant.
Intern, Adelaide - 13 Feb 2020
There were 3 interviews and a psychological test that you had to pass. I was not asked any difficult questions in my interview as I was a graduate and I had not been previously employed within my field of study.
Graduate, Adelaide - 13 Feb 2020
Interview followed by aptitude testing followed by a final interview with a director/manager
Graduate, Adelaide - 11 Dec 2016
Initial interview with HR representative, followed by an interview with leaders of the team you will be working in and some psychometric testing
Midlevel, Adelaide - 08 Dec 2016
The interview process and assessments were challenging and rigorous, but very fair. They encouraged you to step outside your comfort zone, interact with stakeholders on various levels and ultimately reinforced your desire to work there.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 06 Dec 2016
The interview process involved three stages. The first was a interview with a member of the human resources team and then a second interview with a director and a manager. The final step was a dinner with various directors and senior staff.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 06 Dec 2016
I sent my resume to the HR advisor and then an initial meeting was organised with her. After this I was successful in moving to the next round, this is where I underwent psychometric testing. From there I had a second interview with the director of which team I was going to be in and after that I found out I was successful in gaining the job.
Graduate, Adelaide - 28 Nov 2016
2 interviews, testing and a dinner with directors before offer
Midlevel, Adelaide - 25 Nov 2016
2 interviews and a psychoanalytic test
Graduate, adelaide - 24 Nov 2016
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Why do I want to work at the company. What experience I have in different skills related to the role what I do outside of work. What challenges I have faced within a work or university environment.
Graduate, Adelaide - 18 Feb 2020
Past experience, strengths, areas of development, how you like to be managed, what you like doing outside of work etc.
Graduate, Adelaide - 16 Feb 2020
Background, previous jobs, skills and career aspirations.
Adelaide - 15 Feb 2020
Questions regarding myself and how I got to achieving the results on my resume. My learning styles and preferences.
Intern, Adelaide - 13 Feb 2020
The questions I was asked were pretty generic and personal in trying to get a better understanding of my character and my personality.
Graduate, Adelaide - 13 Feb 2020
Tell us about yourself? What are your short term or long term career and personal goals? What do you know about Hood Sweeney?
Midlevel, Adelaide - 06 Dec 2016
When I was interviewed there were questions about my time at university and my grades but the majority of the time was spent talking about my work experience and commitments outside of study. For me these included being part of a sporting club, being on a committee and my time doing work experience through the CA Young Achiever program.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 06 Dec 2016
I was asked a lot about my previous workplace and role there and how it would help me in my potential role. I was also asked why I chose to study accounting and my work skills and what I could bring to the job.
Graduate, Adelaide - 28 Nov 2016
Greatest achievements. How to overcome stressful situations. Where do you see yourself in 5 years
Midlevel, Adelaide - 25 Nov 2016
Background, career aspiration, skills
Graduate, adelaide - 24 Nov 2016
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Make sure you know the company that you are being interviewed at.
Graduate, Adelaide - 18 Feb 2020
Know what Hood Sweeney does and what they are about.
Graduate, Adelaide - 16 Feb 2020
Research Hood Sweeney, and be yourself in the interview.
Adelaide - 15 Feb 2020
Have a strong resume and consider how you can explain your achievements and skills you have obtained.
Intern, Adelaide - 13 Feb 2020
I would recommend acquiring as much work experience as possible. Even consider taking up an activity or doing some self- development courses that will separate you from other candidates.
Graduate, Adelaide - 13 Feb 2020
I would recommend doing research about Hood Sweeney and their core values. As with any company you interview for they will ask you what you know abut the company. I believe it will make a good impression to show you've taken to the time to research what Hood Sweeney is about. Stay calm and be authentic your personality will do more of the talking than any answers you give to the questions.
Graduate, Whyalla - 13 Feb 2020
Research the business to ensure that you know who you are talking to and how the business operates as best you can
Midlevel, Adelaide - 08 Dec 2016
Learn all you can about Hood Sweeney! Ensure you can tell the interviewers about yourself, your interests and hobbies - rather than just focus on your university or other study results.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 06 Dec 2016
While your time getting the required technical knowledge is crucial, it is also important that you show that you have interests outside of your study such as being part of sports club. It also helps to try and gain some work relevant experience as an under grad.
Midlevel, Adelaide - 06 Dec 2016
Be yourself and research about the company. We have a few different service lines and teams within each service line therefore it is important to know a bit about these.
Graduate, Adelaide - 28 Nov 2016
Research the company core values and see if they align with your own
Midlevel, Adelaide - 25 Nov 2016
Research the 5 core values of the firm and get your head around what the Hood Sweeney Way means
Graduate, adelaide - 24 Nov 2016