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PwC Australia

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Career Prospects at PwC Australia

7.4 rating for Career Prospects, based on 341 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
At PwC you can move up the ranks based on tenure or performance. Typically individuals will be promoted every 2 years. Individuals need to have demonstrated that they meet or go above the 5 PwC professional framework for their rank when promotion cycles come around.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Aug 2024
Have to wait 2 years to be promoted, some earlier opportunities to get involved in other more senior roles such as committees.
Graduate, Perth - 09 Aug 2024
Slow progression through each grade as time in grade is the main driver for promotion. Promotion also encourages employees to contribute through alternative activities such as clubs, market research, presentations etc.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2024
Promotions below the Director level are typically handled within each employees' yearlong performance review process. If one were aiming for promotion, one would start this conversation with their manager early in the financial year, and work throughout that FY to demonstrate they are already operating at the level to which they aspire in most if not all areas. The employee, their manager, and the Partner responsible for both will meet shortly after the end of the FY to discuss the employee's performance and whether promotion is warranted. In addition to performance throughout the preceding year, an employees' amount of time in their current grade and any other relevant skills, experience, or qualifications they possess are also considered. An employee with more time in grade and/or additional relevant skills, experience, or qualifications will generally be promoted a little faster than normal. All things being equal, promotion from Consultant to Senior Consultant generally takes between 1 and 4 years, with subsequent promotions requiring equivalent or lengthier periods of service before promotion can be realistically considered.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2024
My team makes it a strong priority to track your progress and vouch for career progression after the grad year.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Aug 2024
I feel as though the line of promotion is very clear through the firm, and I know what is expected for me to make senior associate in a couple years.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Aug 2024
Unlike other companies the progression opportunities are outlined specifically. Having a level of certainty about progression is a big advantage.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2024
Promotion here requires time, and is assessed annually near the end of financial year. Scores are assigned to grade employees work over the year, and promotion is considered from a combination of this review, and the amount of experience a person has. To move up here, doing good work is not enough, your work needs to be visible so it's counted in the performance review
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2024
Quite competitive and limited opportunities
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2024
Seems that there are opportunities to move up the ranks quickly.
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Nov 2023
I hope they're good...
Graduate, Adelaide - 10 Nov 2023
Clear progression available up the ranks, pay and promotion is very transparent. Personally think it may be a little slow for my liking but theres also plenty of opportunities available that aren't just promotion ie secondment.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
Hierarchy progression, can move to other teams
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
There is an opportunity to progress fairly quickly. Each team has specific criteria that an individual needs to meet in order to move up the ranks. Generally speaking, you can get promoted to each level every 2-3 years up until a senior manager/director level where it can get a bit tougher as you get closer to partner level.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Nov 2023
Unfortunately, won't be able to experience those given that I have been moved to Scyne Advisory.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Nov 2023
It is expected that we move up the ranks but I do feel like it will take longer for me because Im not prepared to stay back until 10pm and work weekends and consider it 'normal'. Ill stay back if something is urgent but not just because it looks good
Graduate, Perth - 08 Nov 2023
The company supports you and aids you in how to go about progressing to the next grade. Very supportive of your growth and development within not only the team but within the whole company if you wish to move teams.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Nov 2023
While career progression is good, promotion times for associates is time-based and therefore ALL associates will get promoted at the same time. It's resulted in a lot of the top associates feeling de-moralised, as they have been working hard, while associates who "coast" will still be rewarded at the same time.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Nov 2023
Working at a big four accounting firm will give me plenty of opportunities in industry if I choose to go down that path. The promotion process is also very transparent so I know exactly when I will be promoted to Senior Associate, Manager etc. which I think is great. So knowing this progression, I feel motivated.
Graduate, Perth - 07 Nov 2023
There are promotion opportunities, however, in order to be promoted you must yourself submit a formal business case. This becomes a barrier to promotions.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Oct 2017