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Stantec New Zealand

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Stantec New Zealand

8.7 rating for Recruitment, based on 48 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
I applied for my current role as a grad in 2022. For grad engineering roles in NZ, most big companies will have applications open in March-April for employment in the following year. I applied as a civil/water/natural resources grad for several companies, and progressed to interviews for a few, but only got a serious offer for my current job. The process: Prepare your CV and a cover letter, tweak cover letter to suit the particular role you are applying for. Complete the online application. This involves answering several pages of questions, submitting your CV and cover letter, and sometime doing personality activities or answering technical questions. For this role, I then had an online interview with a panel of four. This included my now team lead, HR rep, a grad, and another technical person. I then got a phone call from my team lead for a job offer, which I received with appreciation, but I didn't say yes until I saw the contract document. The contract was emailed after the phone call, and I had a week to think through and accept. The role required that I move to a new city, which I had to discuss with my partner and flat mates. I then accepted, and moved at the start of 2023.
Graduate, Dunedin - 17 Sep 2024
My interview process was informal as i expressed interest through direct email. I had 2 or 3 video calls with groups of people, all informal, and i felt like the attitude in the interviews were good and made me want to work here (in contrast to other interviews id been in which put me off the company - and this remains that i wouldn't want to work for them)
Graduate, Wellington - 23 Aug 2024
Good, quite simple and approachable
Graduate, Dunedin - 07 Aug 2024
Just one 30minute interview, pretty standard just going over your listed relevant skills and couple examples are of where you applied them before. Interview was more on the casual side with a lot of laughs which made it feel more comfortable and relaxing.
Graduate, Auckland - 05 Aug 2024
I was interviewed by the Geotechnical Leader for NZ first with a phone call and then had an interview with the team in Christchurch.
Graduate, Christchurch - 05 Aug 2024
Lovely interview, with pre-interview testing which felt a little unnecessary.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Aug 2024
I did one short online assessment and one interview. It was a simple process and the company made everything easy to understand.
Graduate, Auckland - 05 Aug 2024
I had a very happy interview with Stantec. it took us more than one hour, and it is a nice conversation. I had a chance to show my ability, and I learned a lot of the company.
Graduate, Wellington - 02 Aug 2024
No formal interview as such, interview was an initial casual chat about the role I'd be doing if I accepted the job which then had a 2nd interview/casual chat with my future line manager and future buddy/mentor.
Graduate, Nelson - 02 Aug 2024
I am quite impressed with the hiring process of our company. It was pretty systematic. We had to fill up an online application that asked us to provide all the required information along with our qualification, CV and cover letter and work experiences if any which I believe helped our recruiters to access our qualifications and ability of the particular job we applied for. They also provide the updates of application processing. The communication was good as we got the prompt responses from the company. I had a fine interview with one of my seniors who was nice and considerate with whom I felt comfortable sharing all my knowledge and experiences.
Graduate, Wellington - 02 Aug 2024
I applied for my current role as a grad in 2022. For grad engineering roles in NZ, most big companies will have applications open in March-April for employment in the following year. I applied as a civil/water/natural resources grad for several companies, and progressed to interviews for a few, but only got a serious offer for my current job. The process: Prepare your CV and a cover letter, tweak cover letter to suit the particular role you are applying for. Complete the online application. This involves answering several pages of questions, submitting your CV and cover letter, and sometime doing personality activities or answering technical questions. For this role, I then had an online interview with a panel of four. This included my now team lead, HR rep, a grad, and another technical person. I then got a phone call from my team lead for a job offer, which I received with appreciation, but I didn't say yes until I saw the contract document. The contract was emailed after the phone call, and I had a week to think through and accept. The role required that I move to a new city, which I had to discuss with my partner and flat mates. I then accepted, and moved at the start of 2023.
Graduate, Dunedin - 02 Aug 2024
Basically just had a chat and answered a few questions in the interview.
Graduate, Hamilton - 02 Aug 2024
Its very easy
Graduate, Lower Hutt - 02 Aug 2024
Completed an internship during my undergraduate studies. With an online application and in person interview. Offered a graduate position during internship.
Graduate, Christchurch - 02 Aug 2024
This was the reason I picked Stantec. Aside from the general CV, cover leter, testing etc my interview was very personal and everyone I interviewed with was lovely. They were very kind to let me interview for 2 offices as I wasn't sure where I wanted to live and overall I had a great experience.
Graduate, Auckland - 02 Aug 2024
I didn't get hired through the typical recruitment process, I basically just pestered them until I got an interview.
Graduate, Christchurch - 02 Aug 2024
Two phone interviews before receiving offer letter
Graduate, Nelson - 02 Aug 2024
Interview process was great, Stantec were amongst the first to get back to me and were very communicative throughout the whole process.
Graduate, Auckland - 08 Nov 2023
Candidates are to write a cover letter and send in their CV. If selected, they will be directly invited to the office for an interview. If all goes well, an offer will be made in the days. Very fast response and no need for multiple interviews.
Graduate, Auckland - 08 Nov 2023
Had an interview with Line manager and one of his colleagues. Talked about previous experience and roles, and what the position they were offering entailed.
Graduate, Dunedin - 07 Nov 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Give an example of a time where you had to manage a conflict. Tell us about your extra-circulars, how have you shown leadership in those areas. Tell us about your goals, what type of work do you want to do, and why did you choose our company. There were others, I can't remember them all.
Graduate, Dunedin - 17 Sep 2024
what did i like most about my previous job what do i want to focus on (as i was accepting a role that would not be my focus for career development they wanted to know where i wanted to go) general interests relocation thoughts field work willingness
Graduate, Wellington - 23 Aug 2024
My skill sets, experiences, challenges and career goals
Graduate, Dunedin - 07 Aug 2024
Previous experience, examples of when I applied relevant skills were the main questions.
Graduate, Auckland - 05 Aug 2024
I was mostly asked about why I was interested in this field and what excited me about it, where I wanted to see myself. What kind of person I am and what I have done in life so far, what I hope to achieve.
Graduate, Christchurch - 05 Aug 2024
Mostly questions specific to me and my application which I really appreciated.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Aug 2024
what I have learned from the school, why choose to be a civil engineer. what is the most important thing in the job
Graduate, Wellington - 02 Aug 2024
If I am driven to learn Travelling
Graduate, Nelson - 02 Aug 2024
I cannot recall all of them but here are a few they asked about my knowledge in civil engineering mostly related to the design of pipelines in drinking water, about what guidelines I am familiar with and how I used them in my previous works, about the health and safety approaches we incorporate while working on site, etc.
Graduate, Wellington - 02 Aug 2024
Give an example of a time where you had to manage a conflict. Tell us about your extra-circulars, how have you shown leadership in those areas. Tell us about your goals, what type of work do you want to do, and why did you choose our company. There were others, I can't remember them all.
Graduate, Dunedin - 02 Aug 2024
Very general questions, what did I do in my spare times, hobbies, what did I work on in my last internship.
Graduate, Hamilton - 02 Aug 2024
I cant remember but mainly situational base and what my technical knowledge is.
Graduate, Lower Hutt - 02 Aug 2024
It was more chatty and conversational but we often talked about professional/personal challenges and how I overcame them and also how I worked in teams.
Graduate, Auckland - 02 Aug 2024
My interview was also relatively informal, I was just asked to talk through my CV and about what I enjoy in my spare time.
Graduate, Christchurch - 02 Aug 2024
In terms of specific questions, there weren't many. It felt more like the interviewers just wanted to get to know me and my previous work/study experiences. Began with just very general questions about myself and then went into going over content in my CV and cover letter.
Graduate, Auckland - 08 Nov 2023
What do you know about the company? Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? Why are you interested in this role?
Graduate, Auckland - 08 Nov 2023
I was asked about my previous roles and the more detailed work I did as it is very relevant to the role they were offering. A little bit about what I get up to outside of work.
Graduate, Dunedin - 07 Nov 2023
Range of questions from past experience on sites in construction companies, with other theoretical questions on how I would hire people for my own company.
Graduate, Dunedin - 02 Nov 2023
I was asked things like: - Where does your passion lie? - What working experience do you have? - My responses to fictional scenarios to test what level my knowledge was at. - What are my career goals? What are my career priorities e.g. learning, specific work etc. - What I liked to do in my spare time (questions to get to know me).
Graduate, Auckland - 02 Nov 2023
Why did you decide to study civil engineering? What drives you in your chosen field? Have you had any instances in group work where something didn't work well and what did you do to improve things?
Graduate, Auckland - 02 Nov 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
As a grad, either register during the graduate application stage, or make a contact with the team you want to work for and send them your CV directly. The seniors in my team are always impressed with people who take initiative and put themselves out there. Another way is to start as a summer intern, then come back as a grad. Technical skill is important, but also know your goals - what type of work do you want to do, where do you want to be in 5 years? What sort of work-life balance do you want, do you want to go into further study, do you want to travel? etc.
Graduate, Dunedin - 17 Sep 2024
Interview as much as you can - even for jobs you may not want originally practice with friends and family wear what you feel comfortable in - but still business appropriate
Graduate, Wellington - 23 Aug 2024
I did not go through the graduate recruitment process as I had previous experience in the field. I would recommend just answering questions honestly and being yourself.
Graduate, Christchurch - 05 Aug 2024
I'd go over my application beforehand, so I have fresh in my memory what I want to talk about
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Aug 2024
go to the company web site and understand the company value.
Graduate, Wellington - 02 Aug 2024
Yes, I would recommend for the candidates to keep records of their experiences and learnings so that you don't forget to mention them in the interviews and also focus in minor details which we often ignore, this adds up the value in our ability for the job. This advice is the learning from my own experience. Don't be afraid to talk about your thoughts and speak with confidence.
Graduate, Wellington - 02 Aug 2024
As a grad, either register during the graduate application stage, or make a contact with the team you want to work for and send them your CV directly. The seniors in my team are always impressed with people who take initiative and put themselves out there. Another way is to start as a summer intern, then come back as a grad. Technical skill is important, but also know your goals - what type of work do you want to do, where do you want to be in 5 years? What sort of work-life balance do you want, do you want to go into further study, do you want to travel? etc.
Graduate, Dunedin - 02 Aug 2024
Be yourself and relax. If you're in the interview stage they're pretty much scoping you out to see if you'd be a good cultural fit.
Graduate, Hamilton - 02 Aug 2024
i think making sure you can back what you have in your CV is good. If you know how to model be able to tell them in which software and how.
Graduate, Lower Hutt - 02 Aug 2024
Again, I would say its more about personality so it's important to be true to yourself so the manager can see if you will meld well with the team.
Graduate, Auckland - 02 Aug 2024
I would recommend putting yourself out there and being genuine. Stantec looks for people that will fit into the office culture more than anything else, so being proactive, attending the information events at university and making yourself known on recruitment days. Come prepared with questions and have researched the company so you have reasons in mind for why you want to work there.
Graduate, Christchurch - 02 Aug 2024
Research the company and the role. Think about your future career. Bring questions.
Graduate, Auckland - 08 Nov 2023
I would say just don't be nervous. They are some of the most open and friendly people who just want to get to know you rather than test you.
Graduate, Auckland - 08 Nov 2023
Grow your network and try get inside contacts, that is far more reliable and faster than the official gradute channels.
Graduate, Dunedin - 02 Nov 2023
I would recommend drafting some answers to common basic interview questions, so that you have something locked and loaded to say, as opposed to thinking on the spot. Particularly for moments in your career where you learned something directly relevant to the job e.g., how to deal with difficult scenarios. I'd recommend coming in with a strong understanding of who you are as a person and what you want out of your career - it is important to get that across.
Graduate, Auckland - 02 Nov 2023
I would recommend that they have a sit down with someone that has had previous interview experience and do a mock interview to have a feel for what questions may be asked and to be ready to answer different types of questions on the spot.
Graduate, Auckland - 02 Nov 2023
Look around LinkedIn for company info - not our global website. Have a clear direction for your first couple of years.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Oct 2023
I would recommend being yourself and being honest. While good grades do matter, the kind of person you are is so much more important.
Graduate, Christchurch - 19 Oct 2023
Just show the enthusiasm and be ready to talk. This job is a lot of fun, a lot of work, and its a lot of thinking.
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Oct 2023
When interviewing or doing video interviews, talk like you are talking to someone and not like you're doing a presentation. The people on the recieving end are trying to see if you'll fit into the company/office culture so you want to be relaxed, your best natural self and talkative - they like that. They like people that like to talk and have a yarn because those people are the ones that fit into the office the best. At other places I've interviewed they ask what are your strengths and weaknesses. As much as this is to gauge how good you are at analyzing yourself, they are also trying to see if you are good at communicating which is the best skill to craft. So become a very good communicator both in speech and writing! When it comes to CV, make everything super concise and pick a layout with a bit of colour
Graduate, Hamilton - 11 Oct 2023