Online assessment felt very similar to other applications I have made. The assessment centre felt a bit more casual and fun which encouraged us to show how we would work in a team.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2016
Multi staged interview, online interview, assessment center, online application etc
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2016
To apply for a grad role, candidates fill out an online application, complete a numerical and verbal reasoning test, then attend an Assessment Centre and finally, are referenced checked.
Graduate, Sydney - 26 Oct 2016
1. Grad Application. 2. Online Assessment. 3. Video Interview 4. Assessment Centre + Interview
Graduate, Sydney - 26 Oct 2016
The interview process and assessments are the same as all other grad programs that I applied for. You go through online application, psychometric tests, video "interview" (more like record yourself answering set questions and send off), assessment centre and face to face interview. the deferring moment for me was that the CTO at the time interviewed me and that made me feel great because I knew VHA is committed to the grad program as even the CTO was involved in the process.
Midlevel, Sydney - 25 Oct 2016
Resume -> Video Interview -> Interview
Graduate, North Sydney - 25 Oct 2016
It was like any other normal graduate process. First there was the online test, then video interview. After that you get selected to go to the assessment centre and 1:1 interviews.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Oct 2016