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Yarra City Council

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Kate Wall

Student Planner at Yarra City Council

Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (Honours) at RMIT University

I read through one of Yarra’s strategic documents and wrote a summary of the relevant sections as part of background work for the Local Area Plans that the team is working on.

7.30 AM

Hit snooze on my first alarm, despite it being an hour later prior to COVID-19 conditions where I would commute to the office in Richmond.

7.50 AM

Wake up, shower, eat breakfast and make my bed.

8.30 AM

I log on to Microsoft Teams and read any updates from the Strategic Planning Team page or emails I may have missed during my days off, which lately have been filled with success stories and experiences from the team about an amendment or a Victorian Planning Panels hearing. I also review and update my work program.

9.00 AM

I join the morning catchup via Microsoft Teams and say hi to everyone and we all catch up on the happenings of each other’s personal and work week.

Yarra City Council Graduate Kate Wall zoom

9.50 AM

Time for a quick green tea.

10 AM

I have my one on one catch up with my supervisor. We talk about the work I have to do for the day, and she assists me with any queries I have, which are often to do with the planning process. My supervisor also shares any wisdom or advice for my urban planning studies at university or for my career.

10.30 AM

I continue to work on a referral from the Statutory Planning Team about development and check that it complies with the Yarra Planning Scheme’s Development and Design Overlay.

Yarra City Council Graduate Kate Wall desktop

12.30 PM

Lunchtime! I step away from my desk and grab leftovers from last night’s dinner and eat it whilst I finish one of my lockdown puzzles. When I was in the office, I would often enjoy lunch around the corner at Citizens Park with some members from my team.

Yarra City Council Graduate Kate Wall cat

1.00 PM

Continue work on the referral and take note of any questions I may have for my team’s coordinators.

2.30 PM

Catch up with one of my team coordinators over the work I am completing regarding the referral. Often, I’ll share my screen on the call and together, we go over my work or any questions I may have.

3.30 PM

I read through one of Yarra’s strategic documents and wrote a summary of the relevant sections as part of background work for the Local Area Plans that the team is working on.

5.00 PM

I log out of Microsoft Teams and take my dog for a walk before the sun goes down.

Yarra City Council Graduate Kate Wall dog

5.30 PM

Reluctantly, I join my sister for a workout and stretch. I find this is helpful after sitting at my desk for long periods of the day.

6.30 PM

Time for dinner.

7.00 PM

Catch up on any Uni work and make sure that I am up to date with any incoming assignments.