Rehabilitation Consultant at Beneco
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy at Western Sydney University
7:00 AM
Wake up and off for a walk before work.
7:45 AM
Breakfast of champions – bagel and green juice.
8:00 AM
Get cracking onto emails before a day on the road.
9:00 AM
We’re off to a Workplace Assessment. PPE suited on and ready to go.
9:30 AM
Workplace Assessment time for a Warehouse Assistant role and chatting with the Employer regarding suitable duties available.
10:30 AM
Driving off to a Medical Case Conference. Fingers crossed for an upgrade.
10:45 AM
Case Conference time. First chatting with the Worker on how they feel they’ve progressed over the month, then speaking with the Nominated Treating Doctor and providing an update from Physiotherapy. Upgrade achieved!
11:45 AM
Realised I hadn’t gotten a coffee yet so coffee time!!
11:50 AM
In the car and completing an email update and Recovery at Work Plan from the Case Conference while everything is still fresh. Nifty steering wheel desk gadget I picked up!
12:30 PM
I was luckily close by to home so I had some lunch . Don’t judge today’s diet but I felt like Manoush…lots of carbs, lol
1:15 PM
Back in the car and on the road for another Case Conference.
1:45 PM
This Case Conference is a pre-surgery consult so confirming the surgical plan, and post-surgical recommendations/expectations.
2:45 PM
In the car and just called stakeholders for an update following, as well as sending an email through with all the details regarding recommendations and proposed plan. Also snack time – apple didn’t make the shot.
3:25 PM
Time to drive home, it’s been a busy day.
4:05 PM
Home and done for the day.
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