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  • 100 - 500 employees

Benjamin Voss

Assistant Consultant, Systems & Safety Assurance at SYSTRA ANZ

Bachelor of Engineering Honours at RMIT University

I attend a team meeting to understand what the next priorities are for a current project. I especially like collaborating and bouncing ideas with my colleagues in person.

8.30 AM

After catching the train or riding my bike, I usually get into the office just after 8.30 am.

day in the life Benjamin Voss SYSTRA ANZ arrived in the office

8.35 AM

I will usually greet everyone in the office and set myself up at the desk before grabbing a hot cup of tea to start the day.

day in the life Benjamin Voss SYSTRA ANZ in the pantry

9.00 AM

When starting on my work for the day, it is often good to review what meetings are coming up and if there are any urgent emails that require attention.

day in the life Benjamin Voss SYSTRA ANZ at the work station

11.00 AM

Being in the office is always great to catch up with colleagues.

day in the life Benjamin Voss SYSTRA ANZ catching up with a colleague

12.00 PM

Team lunch in China Town is always a good day. Having an office in the city ensures I have plenty of good lunch options around me.

day in the life Benjamin Voss SYSTRA ANZ lunch with colleagues

1.00 PM

After lunch, it is back to work. I attend a team meeting to understand what the next priorities are for a current project. I especially like collaborating and bouncing ideas with my colleagues in person.

day in the life Benjamin Voss SYSTRA ANZ in a meeting

5.00 PM

After a good afternoon of working, collaborating with colleagues and meeting deadlines, I pack up for the day and head home.

day in the life Benjamin Voss SYSTRA ANZ heading home

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